Monday, July 20, 2009

(15) - A Short Prayer

Griffonclaw approached the stairs to the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind, ignoring the hostile stares of the clergy. He didn't recognize them; it had been a few years since his various tribulations as a member of the Order of Light in Stormwind, and his release from his vows. Other friends, who had come through the Order later, had told him that his name had been dragged through the mud by Bishop Delavey, who had been relentless in poisoning the ears of anyone he could against the ex-Paladin of Stormwind.

Griffonclaw ignored them, as he always did. He had permission, signed by Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker, to visit his old mentor whenever the urge took him, and the Archbishop himself had declared that nobody would be barred from the Cathedral except under order of excommunication.

And he hadn't been excommunicated. Not quite.

A few days before Griffonclaw had participated in the raid to stop the sacrifice of Catrionae, he had spent some time speaking with Father Barri of the Hammers of Magni, at Father Barri's request. They had spoken of rage, and serenity. Of the nature of violence, and of vengance. Of the nature of justice. And the nature of forgiveness. Griffonclaw hadn't agreed with much of what had been said during that meeting, but he respected Father Barri, and so he had also agreed to try.

Each week, Griffonclaw traveled to the Cathedral of Light, and found Father Barri waiting. Griffonclaw greeted him with a smile, glad that the Holy One always joined him, and approached the altar. Father Barri waited for him at the base of the stairs, giving Griffonclaw a measure of privacy. He lit what was now up to ten candles - he had started with two - and said quick prayers for each of those he knew were deeply involved as a part of Keruptis' coven.

Slowly and quietly, he lit nine of the candles, and as he did so, offered a prayer.

"Light of all, whose radience fills the black places in every soul, please succor and defend those most in need of grace and protection, those who descend and practice within the shadows. Rare is it that there is a heart so hardened and black that a touch of Light cannot reach - and therefore, I implore you to touch their hearts, and protect and preserve... Aislin Demont, Arial Black, Masuimi Max, Serenah Bouvier, Melicity Mandrake, Floria Ende, Aellyn Willogh, Annaliese Handhour... and especially Vampyra Doomcaster."

He lit the tenth and eleventh candles.

"Please also protect and preserve those who have already perished at their hands, Lucihelma and Lilaeth. May their souls rest in peace." He made the sign of the Light, and rose.

Father Barri spoke as he approached the bottom of the stairs. "No prayer for Keruptis SaDiablo, my friend?"

"No Father, the Light has no need to protect and defend that one." he said, his face grim and eyes fierce. "I'll attend to him myself...."

Griffonclaw had agreed with much of what Father Barri had said.

But not all.

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