Monday, July 20, 2009

(48) - The First Meditation

That which had once been Griffonclaw FitzSilver was called... someone was in need... someone dear to him... he could see - well, not see in a literal sense, but with his mind's eye - the building of a bridge, the mirror image of the construct he had so often built himself, in the calm of his third eye...

* * *

Griffonclaw spoke in a slow, calm voice to MacLhir, who sat at the table before him. MacLhir had begged him for weeks to teach him something of what it was like to be a paladin, and finally Griffonclaw had given in, and began to teach his nephew the First Meditation.

"Look at the candle flame, Mac... look to its center, to its core... see the part of the flame that does not waver, the core of its Light... Now close your eyes, and see it with your mind, an incandescent point of light, every burning, the Darkness helpless against its blaze...."

* * *

Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker's voice continued... "Now Griffonclaw, take that point of light, and draw a triangle with it... for now, just a triangle, full of Light, each side equal, with the point up... practice this when you are on the drill ground, in the shower, in the forge... when you can see it, when you can feel it in your mind, we'll go to the next step..."

* * *

Uther's voice was calm and soothing as he continued. "Now that you can build the triangle, its time to make a circle... put the triangle into a circle, with each point touching upon its arc..." He stopped pacing, and put a hand on the student's shoulder. "Do you see it, Grayson?" he asked.

* * *

"Yes" said Aaren, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Excellent" responded Tirion, calmly. "Now, draw a second circle around the first... and in the space between, the sigils of protection...."

* * *

"OK, what next?" Demolitia said, her modulated voice calm and, as usual, filled with a note of curiosity.

"Good, Demi..." Griffonclaw said. "Now... draw other eight symbols of the world around it, evenly, placing opposites on the other side... Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Life, Death, Darkness, Light... when you can see them in your mind's eye, and summon it to you on an instant, you will have begun."

* * *

Aaren summoned the First Mediation to her mind, her despair and exhaustion making what would ordinarily be an effortless matter something that required concentration. As she built each structure, as she had been taught long ago, she felt her racing heart calm, and felt the opening of her inner eye to the Light....and she heard a voice, seemingly coming from her heart.

A familiar voice.

* * *

More than see, he sensed someone calling... not for him, but in pain and spiritual desolation for anyone... a familiar voice.

"Aaren? You suffer..." he said, seeing her shining face, marred by her ordeal.

* * *

"Griffonclaw?" Aaren asked, hope kindling her voice.

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